Damir Krivenko
2015. Oil, acrylic, plastic,сomputer board. 75 х 72 сm.
Damir Krivenko
Art of 21 Century
Damir Krivenko
Damir Krivenko
Damir Krivenko
Damir Krivenko
Realistic art
Damir Krivenko
Damir Krivenko
dripping paint

I create art that makes you richer.

Art has been making me happy for more than forty years. Being an artist, I am trying to pay it back in kind. Besides, I am confident that a creative process is an important constituent of public life. However, a peculiar trend has appeared in the contemporary world: in the early 20th century, artists declared that the classical school of realism had had its day. It stimulated a great many of diverse trends and directions to appear, which for a time engendered euphoria among connoisseurs of art, but then this retreat from figurativeness scared plain art amateurs, because art became comprehensible only to a narrow circle of professionals. It acquired an elitist status to the prejudice of gross audience.

I believe that now many artists are anxious about this situation, and they are looking into possibilities to resolve this problem. By joining them, I declare that popularization of art and the involvement of as many as possible people, even those without specialized artistic background, to the creative process in art is one of the most challenging tasks of the present time. For the main problem of the contemporary society is that it has become de-sensibilised. That is why I share my most valuable feelings, ideas and revelations with my audience – and very often these are stories telling that we always have the right of choice and that our emotional world is incredibly rich even if we fail to notice it. I advocate feelings and I try and share the knowledge of how endlessly diverse they are. Feelings may be easily transmitted through chromatic symbols and conceptual painting that practically any viewer can understand. Thus each work of mine is a parable by which I try to say that live conversation between the audience and the paintings may considerably enrich the life of all participants of this dialogue.

My mission is to talk about great and sophisticated things by means of small and simple pieces, and to create modern art that is interesting and understandable to contemporary audience. At the same time, I endeavour to reflect the problems of the contemporary world in my works, and thus I often enclose comments to my paintings to make the contact between the spectator and the artist even more open.

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